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The artistic and cultural project “Musicomedians” focuses on Cabaret, meant both as a show offer and as cultural and historic analysis. It aims at:

- presenting in a modern and updated style the spirit of Cabaret’s dawns through meetings, exhibitions, debates, events, shows and stage festivals;

- retrieving Cabaret’s history in our country, through all kinds of research in Italy and abroad, through collection of original material and direct witnessing from the protagonists;

- investigating Cabaret’s sense and its origins, with special emphasis to the development of this genre in Italy and in its cradle, the city of Milan.

This activity includes, foresees and encourages activities and cooperation programs with other similar institutions on Cabaret in Europe.


The idea of “Musicomedians” springs from the necessity of acknowledging the appropriate artistic value to the contribution that the city of Milan gifted to the Italian culture during the ‘50’s and the ‘60’s, through the artistic expression offered in its Cabaret theatres of that period. Among the most prominent and relevant figures of that era and those who brought the true spirit of Cabaret in Italy were Giorgio Gaber, Enzo Jannacci, I Gufi, Franco Battiato, Paolo Poli, Cochi e Renato, Felice Andreasi, Bruno Lauzi, Enrico Intra, Franco Nebbia, Velia e Tinin Mantegazza, Carmelo Bene and many others.

Is it possible to recreate in a modern key the spirit of those years and era?


The purpose of “Musicomedians” is summarized by these basic concepts: historic retrieval, research and development, innovation on Cabaret, and they aim at two tied-up goals:

- on the past side, collection of all original artistic and cultural material and documents related to Cabaret, including specific interviews to the traditional protagonists of the genre in Italy, to create a museum, a documentation centre and a travelling exhibition on Cabaret;

- on the present side, give support to the modern proposals of Cabaret show in Italy that take as a model of inspiration its origins’ spirit and also foster a generational artistic exchange between experienced and new artists.

Therefore “Musicomedians” is addressing its message and approach to both the public audience and the artistic environment, as well as seeking recognition and support from public and private institutions.